Karate New Brunswick is committed to the development of our coaches by encouraging participation in the Karate Canada NCCP Program.
Eligibility Requirements
The Team Head Coach must be;
a registered member in good standing of Karate New Brunswick
NCCP Comp. Dev Certified (Karate Specific)
The Assistant Coach(es) must be;
a registered member in good standing of Karate New Brunswick
NCCP Comp. Dev Trained (Karate Specific)
Details about the Instructor and Competition Coach pathways can be found at Karate Canada.
Selection Criteria
Any Karate New Brunswick member meeting the minimum requirements outlined above may apply to the Board of Directors for the position of Head Coach. The Board of Directors will choose the successful candidate.
The Karate New Brunswick Head Coach may choose additional coaching staff. The assistant coaches must meet eligibility requirements as outlined above.

Team NB
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible to compete as part of the Karate New Brunswick Team at the next Karate Canada National Championships, an athlete must;
be a member in good standing of Karate New Brunswick
participate in a minimum of one (1) selection tournament
be eligible to compete at the next Karate Canada National Championships
Selection Criteria
To be considered for the provincial team, the athletes must participate in at least one (1) of the following selection tournaments
Karate NB Grand Prix Tournaments, including the East Coast Games Tournament
Atlantic Open
Atlantic Championships
Any Karate New Brunswick member meeting the minimum requirements outlined above may try out for the Karate New Brunswick Team. The following will be taken into consideration by the coaching staff when selecting members:
Participation and results from the top 4 out of 5 best results from the list of selection tournaments
Participation and results from previous years National Championships
Participation and results from previous years PKF Championships
Participation in the Karate New Brunswick Team Training Sessions
More information can be found in the Athletes Handbook.
Training Camps
Year Round Training Camps
Training camps throughout the year are run on a monthly basis, and are open to all KNB members ages 11 and up. There is a $20 fee to attend, and is payable at the door. Training camp dates can be found in the KNB Events Calendar.
2019 Summer Training Camp
Where: Faith United Baptist Church - 525 New Maryland Hwy, New Maryland, NB (Across from the New Maryland Irving)
When: Friday, August 30 – Sunday, September 1st
Who: 12 years old and up – Athletes interesting in competition Kata or Kumite. Coaches and Dojo senseis are welcome to attend as well.
Cost: $100 per participant, money goes to Team KNB for Nationals. Entry fee includes Saturday BBQ at the Faith Baptist Church and High-Performance session at UNB.
​Instructors: Randy Rix, Romain Losier & Hilary Pond
Friday, August 30th
6:30pm – mat setup
7pm – 9pm. Kumite and Kata training with KNB coaches Randy Rix and Romain Losier.
Saturday, August 31st
10am – Noon – Kumite & Kata training with Randy and Romain.
Noon – 2pm – BBQ at the New Maryland centre. (Free for registered athletes $5 for parents that wish to join in. Free for volunteers that help with the BBQ)
2:30pm – 5pm – Kumite & Kata training with Randy and Romain.
Sunday, September 1st.
9:30am – Noon – Special session at the Canadian High-Performance Sport Centre at the UNB Kinesiology Gym with Certified instructor, KNB member and National Champion Hilary Pond. This session will include a Sport Science fitness testing session and an educational session at the end to review what the scores mean. For more information on the Canadian Sport Centre please see the website here:
Noon – end of camp.
Registration Information
You can pay at the door however pre-registration is required, so we know how much food to buy. Please pre-register by contacting
If there are any parents that would like to help out with the BBQ, please let us know. The BBQ was a huge hit last year, but we could not have done it without volunteers.