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Mancini Cup hosted by Shihan Ray Cormier, October 2016, Dieppe, NB.

2017 Team NB Medal Winners

2017 Team NB Medal Winners / 2017 Gagnants de la médaille du Equip N.-B.

Mancini Cup hosted by Shihan Ray Cormier, October 2016, Dieppe, NB.


Yashni Hathi receiving bronze in Senior Female Kumite at Karate Canada National Championships in Richmond, BC

Kate Campbell receiving her silver medal at the 2015 Pan-American Games in Toronto

Kate Campbell receiving bronze at the Dutch Open Karate 1 Championship in Rotterdam, Netherlands in March 2016

Kate Campbell and Hilary Pond with their medals from the North America Cup. / Kate Campbell et Hillary Pond avec leurs médailles de la Coupe d'Amérique du Nord.

Team / Équipe NB 2015

Team New Brunswick / Équipe Nouveau Brunswick 2015

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